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Image by Camille Minouflet

Drop-in Nirvana Yoga Class

Discover the serenity of Varkala’s pristine coastline as you embark on a journey of self-discovery through our drop-in yoga classes. Our unique location offers a serene and tranquil natural setting that complements the practice of Yoga and meditation.

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Our drop-in yoga classes, infused with the wisdom of Nirvana Yoga, provide you with a genuine opportunity to escape the everyday stresses of modern life and indulge in a week of self-care amidst stunning natural surroundings. Experience a holistic approach to health and wellbeing that encompasses physical, mental, social, and spiritual dimensions.

A Holistic Path to Wellness
Nirvana Yoga

Nirvana Yoga, a profound system of health, healing, and spiritual evolution, was meticulously developed by Guru Madhavacharyan, a revered humanitarian and spiritual master. This system is not limited to physical postures; it represents an all-encompassing way of life that promotes physical and mental health, inner peace, happiness, love, and wisdom.

Nirvana Yoga encompasses an extensive array of yogic techniques designed to address the root causes of physical and mental ailments. It signifies an integration of the spiritual, psychological, and somatic aspects of human development, fostering holistic wellbeing at all levels of life.

Unlock Your Full Potential


Founded by Guru Madhavacharyan's main disciples, the Institute of Nirvana Yoga is dedicated to spreading the profound knowledge and wisdom of Yoga. Our unique educational approach focuses on nurturing all dimensions of your being—physical, mental, intellectual, and spiritual—making Yoga accessible and beneficial to people of all ages, abilities, belief systems, and religions.

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As a Registered Yoga School (RYS 200) with the Yoga Alliance, INY aims to produce qualified Yoga teachers who possess both scientific and philosophical knowledge of Yoga and a deep experiential understanding of the Self. Join us in this center of advanced learning in Yogic sciences and embark on a transformative journey to discover the essence of "Who Am I?"

Class timings

Morning - 7:00 am - 8:00 am & 8:00 am - 9 am

Evening - 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm & 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm 

What you learn 

  • Yogic breathing exercises 

  • Yogic loosening exercises

  • Asanakriya (aka Suryanamaskar)

  • Asanas

  • Pranayamas

  • Mantra Chanting

  • Deep Relaxation Technique (DRT)

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